Mutual Delight


"Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God."

– 1 Corinthians 4:5

Heavenly Father,

Forgive me for being satisfied only with your salvation from damnation. Forgive my contentment with your holy fire insurance. Forgive me for sinning that your unconditional grace may abound. I have done this - today… yesterday… In some form or another, every day of my life.

You want to make me like your son. You want to delight in my life, now - just as I delight in yours. These actions matter. The verse above indicates that these little, fleeting sins are not of no consequence. The verse above indicates that you will reveal those “secret” things on the last day - and you will reward righteousness.

Lord, I praise you for giving me your spirit. For giving me no excuse when tempted. For filling my heart, mind, soul and strength the truth of the word, so that my path is clear. Forgive me for making it seem murky, for choosing to believe the lie that it's confusing.

Lord, I'm not trying to earn your grace - I never could. And I don't want to try to falsely humble myself in order to gain some future reward or position in your kingdom. Lord, I just want to live a life that delights you. Lord, may I delight in you.


So Great a Cloud


Our Working God